University admission or college admission is the process through which students enter tertiary education at universities and colleges.
Examples for "university and college admission"
Examples for "university and college admission"
1Yet so far, the University and College Admissions Service reports that very few have reneged on their offers.
1The local exams will at least nudge open the door to university admission.
2In the UK, for example, we often hear employers and university admission tutors bemoaning falling school standards.
3With COVID-19 making everything that much more difficult, university admission will require you to stand out even more.
4But while they may not have an immediate effect on university admission stats, the long-term benefits could be huge.
5Screening for PTB upon university admission and at regular intervals should be considered to minimise TB transmission on university campuses.
1School discipline should play no role in college admission decisions for several reasons.
2The result: school discipline records that may be unreliable and misleading are a barrier to college admission.
3If you studied online for the SAT college admission exam, a learning algorithm graded your practice essays.
4Outcome measures: Enrollment in special programs, grades during high school, graduation from high school, college admission, and college graduation.
5Measures to help aboriginals include awarding extra points on college admission tests and cultural history exhibitions on Taiwan's native peoples.
6A RADICAL transformation of the CAO college admission system is proposed in a new report due to be published today.
7After barely missing the cutoff for college admission, he became a policeman, eventually getting assigned to the unit at Peking University.
8Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn says he has an open mind '' about changes to the CAO points system for college admission.
9The average "yield" rate, or percentage of students who accepted college admission offers, declined from 49 percent in 2002 to 37 percent in 2009.
10Imagine presenting the applications of two students to a college admissions officer.
11In all, 33 parents have been charged in the college admissions scandal.
12Read our full coverage of the testing industry and college admissions here: here
13The president criticized our system's narrow focus on standardized tests in college admissions.
14That leaves college admissions officers concerned about the validity of scores.
15Not just that: Sandel calls for an end to the competitive college admissions process.
16The issue centers around the topic of factoring race into the college admissions process.
Translations for college admission